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Tinsle and Birch: How they were created

The story behind the Deeote is not sad or grand at all. I had showed some animal pictures over to my friend, Birch, to ask which ones I should make a fursona out of. It took a while, but Birch finally decided between a Coyote and a Deer. We both came up with a name for it. Deeote, Coyoer, Deyote. And we both decided on Deeote (Pronounced De-Oh-Tea), as we actually said it at the same time. It took a while to get the ideas going, but we finally got the rough base down and some of the rules with markings. I am still working on some of the bases and tweaking some rules here and there. But things are coming along smoothly.


The Deeote have no genitals in any of their forms, but they do have genders. You can tell a male and female Deeote apart by how chubby the Deeote is. If the thighs are bigger, and the chest is wider, it is a female. If the body is skinnier but has broader shoulders, it is a male. Despite a Deeote being a female, they still have horns. Keep in mind, they have specific body proportions that must always stay.



The Deeote talk. All of the fourth and fifth generations talk with a glitchy voice, as the magic just resurrected them. Second and third generations talk with a scratchy voice. The first generations can talk, but they normally prefer not to, as it uses up some of their magic that they store.

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